Take time to discover the many facets of you.
Meditation brings inner peace.
The Intuitive Journey
The Intuitive Journey is a continuous progression to who we really are. This is about tuning down the outside input that constantly floods our senses. Listening to your intuition and more importantly following it becomes the pattern of each day.
Before you begin to doubt your intuition or say “I don’t have any” – STOP. All of us are intuitive, all of us have intuition.
If you would like to learn how to connect in I can show you how to be in the moment and listen.
I quietly tune in and relay the message that are told and shown to me. I will connect to the needs of your body and mind and gently, with your permission, align you into the direction you are being guided to go.
I offer you an intuitive reading to give you insight into what your soul wishes you to know, your body’s requirements and the blocks that may be stopping you from moving forward.
I also offer hands-on healing.
Classes to learn how to tap into your own intuition are available as well as retreats for women’s mental and physical health.
Enquire about my next Beginners Workshops or Advanced Retreats.
Session can be in person, via Skype or Zoom, phone or email.